Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Audit Your Home Scout Style

Even the boy scouts are concerned about saving energy! (I found this amusing, I mean I don't know why they wouldn't be, it seems to fit with their overall mission, but ...really? AND on top of that, this 8 page worksheet feels an awful lot like homework)
It is generally a good idea to audit your home, or test how much energy you are both using and possibly wasting. This can be done many different ways. Some people prefer to 'benchmark' or to compare their home energy usage to similarly sized homes near them. Others prefer to call out professionals who do various measurements - occasionally using thermo-detection devices to determine where air is escaping. The scout's audit falls somewhere in between. It is a fairly easy way to do it - print out page 8 (it has a bunch of check boxes) and go down the list.
It requires things that everyone has in their home and gives you a start to finish place to start measuring your energy. The toilet paper thing, I thought was amazingly easy (and cool) who would think to see if toilet paper flaps in the breeze? An interesting approach and worth trying for that if nothing else.
So, go to this link: http://www.usscouts.org/mb/worksheets/Energy.pdf ignore the first 7 pages - that part sounds like a lot of work. Look at page 8. It's a one page audit of your home. Is it rocket science? No. bUt, also the results...not 100% accurate. Take it into consideration though, it's a heck of a lot cheaper than getting Darth Vader and his van of expensive machinery out to 'scan' your home. Plus, why weatherstrip if you don't need to?
And if you have a scout, maybe you can rack up some extra points? It's a pretty cool looking merit badge. Or at the very least you can say that you're prepared.

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