Monday, June 22, 2009

Tax Credits

Thinking about making upgrades to your home, but unsure of how your tax credit rebate is actually going to work?

Well, wonder no longer. The non-profit website explains all of the energy credits available, who qualifies, what is needed to qualify and any other forms or information one might need. Currently, Incentives are available for a number of different things, including:
  • Home envelope - this means sealing the places where air can escape from your home (poorly insulated roofs, ill-fitting doors and windows...). Sealing these places makes your home more efficient by helping your air conditioner (and heater in the winter) to do their job more easily. This keeps cold air in and hot air out. Improvement measures include: insulation, replacement windows, skylights and external doors, window films and even roofs.
  • Heating & Cooling - If you upgrade your air conditioning and heating systems now, you can not only spend a comfortable summer (with low energy bills) but also get some money back on your taxes. Air conditioners have to have a SEER of 16 (There is always more information on our website, and Furnaces need to have an AFUE of 95%. However, there are also incentives being offered on geothermal heat pumps, biomass stoves, fans and water heaters.
  • Solar Systems are also getting some cash back. Solar heating and photovoltaic systems have some incentives and there is even a wind system incentive.
For more information on any of these listings, please visit and for anything heating or cooling related visit

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