Friday, October 3, 2008

I Bet You Didn't Know...

Okay, I admit. I am partial to websites kid-related. Fun colors, not too wordy, generally with some kind of animation and easy to get to information. :) Forgiving me that, check out the department of energy's run down on the history (on top of that I'm a history buff? lol) from their kid's page - it has succinct information that I sure had no idea about. While all of the time lines of energy they offer are somewhat interesting, I thought the geothermal one was worth sharing. Why? Because geothermal energy can be a very efficient way to heat (or cool) a house and it never gets mentioned. Source: It's also interesting because California is 'all over' this thing, and I never would have thought. For example, the first commercial plant was opened in California in 1980. There are also other interesting facts (but some useless) like that they use geothermal energy to dry out onions (the kind that lazy people like me cook with). Weird? With energy in the gas sector getting ever more expensive, it is good to know that however undeveloped there are alternatives out there.

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