Wednesday, October 1, 2008

It's October...Apparently no one told the weather...

It's fall...officially, and now October - the time of pumpkins, leaves and horns of plenty. In California, also time for a bathing suit? We are experiencing a wave of heat before the weather turns fall like, and while we are a good 20 degrees over normal we're not shattering any records. According to the weather page on USA Covina's high for today is 98 degrees, with a humidity of 20%. According to the heat index that 20% humidity puts us in the "extreme caution" (yellow) category. While this may not seem like anything to get too alarmed about, the temperature does have a huge impact on older people, young children and animals. Like, it might not be the smartest idea one has ever had to take their dog out walking with them to pick up their child from school. In this heat, the dog and the child aren't going to do well. Just something to keep in mind...

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