Monday, December 29, 2008

Bring in the New Year with Some Tax Credits

Energystar provides links and forms to help homeowners recieve benefits from home improvements and installing energy efficient appliances during 2008. This was initially started in 2007, but certain items have been renewed in an effort to help continued efforts to help save energy. Certain states provide additional benefits, but most monetary incentives are provided by the Federal Government in the form of tax credits. Visit for information about getting rebates for cars, solar systems, wind energy and even some home improvements.
Central Air Conditioners need to be 14 SEER and Furnaces need to be above 95 AFUE (for information about AFUE and other heating or cooling specific terms visit our website: ) For heating specific information, we also have a separate page on our site to explain all the terminology and options related to choosing a heating source for your home. (
April is still a long way off, but many experts suggest that if you get organized now, you won't be "down to the wire" during the coming months. Reduce your stress and find necessary paperwork now. Also, if you are considering upgrades to your home or business, check out the rebates offered for energy efficiency. Save money and the environment.

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