Friday, December 12, 2008

My Furnace has More Speeds Than Yours...

So when buying a furnace, there are a couple different choices you will need to make. 1. Gas or Electric. (or occasionally other mediums depending on where you live, or the type of heating offered in your local area.) Some things to consider: A natural gas furnace is usually cheaper than an electric furnace (gas costs less to run) however, an electric furnace does not have a pilot light that can get 'blow' out. Furnaces operate on 'speeds.' Like bikes - (a very LOOSE analogy, please bear with me) If you have a 10 speed bike, it can go 10 speeds theoretically. So, likewise, if you have a single speed furnace - it operates at only one speed. That means that the energy (and fuel-gas) use is constant at one speed regardless of when you turned the furnace on. There are also 'dual stage' furnaces which operate on hmm... two speeds. These are recommended for people who live in parts of the country where it gets colder, or for homeowners who use their furnace often. The operation of a two speed furnace allows energy to be conserved as there are two operating speeds, let's compare them to full speed and half speed depending on the heating needs. Another type of furnace is 'variable speed' which means...the furnace operates on different speeds depending on heating needs (similar to dual speed). In Southern California, most people don't use their furnaces all that often, so a single stage furnace is usually beneficial for our customers as they don't have to pay for the upfront costs of a variable or dual furnace.

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