Thursday, April 9, 2009

Energy Measuring

Yesterday’s blog entry described the “snackwell effect” for energy use with energy “efficient” appliances. Today’s entry will go over different ways to prevent (or rather, be aware) of the energy use in your home.

There are a couple of different outside ‘measuring’ devices that a homeowner can utilize to get a measurement of how much money and/or energy each appliance is using. Then you can benchmark your energy use or decide on techniques to curb that use.

One of the ways to measure your energy use is with a PowerCost Monitor. The nice thing about this monitoring device is that it
  1. happens in real time
  2. and
  3. shows you how much MONEY the energy is costing you
This helps to eliminate the ‘looking at random numbers of energy measurement’ and provides numbers in more recognizable (and perhaps concrete) monetary value. See the invention at it’s home: . Or read more about the PowerCost Monitor at:

There are other devices that are fairly similar to the powercost monitor. One such device is the Kill a Watt energy measuring device. This device determines exactly how “energy efficient” an appliance is running. Regardless of the energy star label or other claims to an item’s efficiency, if you aren’t using it the same way it was tested (in laboratory conditions) there are bound to be some differences in use. The Kill a Watt, prevents misuse, because it shows the homeowner how the energy is being used and how efficient the appliance is running. See the Kill a Watt at: Or read a commentary about the Kill a Watt’s consumer report report:

While there are many more energy-measuring devices, these two are tested and vouched for by many energy-compliant agencies, so I would start here. If neither of these energy detectors makes you happy, I suggest doing your own research before purchasing another brand. You want to ensure that your energy measuring device is doing what it claims to.

AND remember: Use your energy efficient devices efficiently – or they aren’t going to save you any energy or money!

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