Looking for ways to save some money on your electricity bills?
The Energy Providers in Indiana have got together to provide local homeowners with tips and tricks to save energy. These tips are useful in all areas of the country and are available in 10 simple steps. If you are looking for more understanding about furnace filters etc. They have an excellent walk-you-through video on their mainpage:
http://www.lowermymonthlyelectricbill.com/. The 10 tips I'm using can be found here:
10 tips to lower your monthly energy bill from lowermymonthlyelectricbill.com:
- Install (AND USE) a programmable thermostat - I say this and say this and say this...programmable thermostats are seriously 100% more useful than manual thermostats. They save you money, control the temperature and operate consistantly to keep your pipes from freezing or your home from boiling. What's not to love? The tip to lower your monthly energy bill is:
turn your thermostat down 10 degrees while you are sleeping.
Wear socks and a sweater inside
During the winter of course, and in the summer wear comfortable, light weight and colored materials. This will regulate your body temperature and allow for a less agressive tempearture required in the home.
- They suggest putting a humidifier in frequently used rooms. Humidifying options are available on many of the newer ac and heating units. However, in California, where we don't have too much of a humidity problem - this shouldn't be too much of a concern unless there are respiratory issues.
- They also suggest closing off rooms that aren't used. While this isn't going to save you any actual energy, it can help to ensure that the rest of the house is more comfortable. So if you can close off a room, it might be worth it.
Keep your garage door shut
. Keeping the door shut blocks out blasts of hot or cool air. If you think about it, the garage door is large, and most garages are attached in some way to the house. If the garage becomes stifling hot - where do you think that air is going to move to? Scientifically through the process of heat transfer heat always moves from the warmer to the cooler. So if your home is cooler (through running of the ac) and your garage is warmer, the warmer air will try to get to the cooler air, effectivly ruining the nice inside temperature of the home. Keep the garage door - and for that matter, all other doors and windows CLOSED!
- Consider adding insulation. In Indiana they require at least 12 inches. California is somewhat less, but there can never be too much insulation right?
- Unplug appliances when they are not being used. Switching the "off" switch only turns off a certain amount of energy. Try squids or powerstrips! Once again, I say this and say this...
- Common sense: Turn off the lights when not in a room.
- Turn off the water when you are: brushing teeth, shaving...etc. etc. Especially in the winter, when you are utilizing the hot water heater to make the water a nice temperature. Avoiding heating water you may not be using will also bring your energy bill down.
- This last one, I found a bit confusing? I use the iron all the time...but it's hot and capable of burning through things...I don't know why one would leave it on and unattended...but their #10 sugestion was to turn off the electric iron when taking a break from ironing. Go figure? But I guess every little bit helps.
Use these and other tips to lower your monthly energy bill. Also check out their video on furnace filters!
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