Friday, September 12, 2008

Brrrr! today, it was like actually forget the light cardigan from yesterday, but instead it's all gloomy and actually 'chilly.' This reminds me -- in California, where we don't really have seasons -- that coming... Well, it might. It sure feels like it TODAY! Now, if you're thinking...hmmm... I should turn on my furnace to see that it's working NOW before I REALLY need it - you're miles ahead of the game! If you turn your furnace on today, you can call for a service or repair...or if it's more than 10 years old - a REPLACEMENT. If you turn it on when you're freezing your buns off and nothing happens (let's say on a weekend, because you know how these things usually go...) you're pretty much...well going to have to throw on an extra blanket and bake something. The Boy Scouts would recommend you being prepared...and from the outlook of today's weather I would heartily second that advice. I wouldn't want to be left freezing. Now, this is IMPORTANT - if you turn your heater on and you smell SMOKE... CHECK AND MAKE SURE THERE ARE NO FLAMES! - near the unit(the one in the basement or hall closet inside) flames are definatley bad - if there are flames - SHUT THE UNIT OFF IMMEDIATLEY, get out of the house, call 911- you know: emergency stuff you learned in the third grade. The burning smell should subside quickly, if not your unit might need cleaning or some serious repair. If it goes on like normal, just smile and think how prepared and intellegent you are. :) Happy attempts with that, and ENJOY this weekend weather - it's nice enough to go hiking or running or all the other fun outside-sy stuff you can't do when it's too hot (or too cold).

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