Story By: Angela D. Harris News & Legislation Editor. E-mail her at angelaharris AT achrnews DOT com
So this energy star thermostat this and programmable that and set your temperature this. Okay, so I might have been a bit hasty in advocating the use of this tool.
Today, I learned that Energy Star ( is attempting to decide whether to increase qualifications for programmable thermostats or take the energy star label off them completely.
As everything, there are pros and cons on both sides.
Or Energy Star should not put their label on Programmable thermostats BECAUSE:
Most people do not know how to program their programmable thermostat.
Why is this a problem? Because if you use your programmable thermostat just like you would a manual thermostat you are NOT saving ANY money!
To properly use a programmable thermostat, it needs to decide when to flip on and and off – not you.
PLUS! There is no excuse for not knowing how to program it. It comes with a manual – that if you read, will make sense. AND if you ask your HVAC contractor, they will be more than willing to help you set it up or teach you how to use it. Many of the brands offer customer support over the phone AND on their webpages. It will take 2 seconds to set your thermostat – it’s totally worth it.
besides, if all else fails, have some video-game playing/computer using (probably little kid) look at it, and they’ll have it done in no time.
Most people do not understand the importance (or reasons) for using a programmable thermostat.
Why is this a problem? A programmable thermostat is easy, and it saves you money. How could that not be important?
- It is easier to cool a cool house than one that has heated up. So if the thermostat kicks on before you would flip it on, it will be on for a shorter amount of time, and use less energy to cool your house. Also, you can have the thermostat kick on when you leave work, so you don’t walk into a hot house!
- An air conditioner isn’t supposed to run constantly – you’re asking for it to break down prematurely. How can this be prevented? By setting a temperature and allowing the unit to cycle on and off.
There are other reasons, which are elsewhere on the blog. If you’re interested read the entries about programmable thermostats or do the research on
Energy Star should NOT put their logo on programmable thermostats BECAUSE:
Homeowners are NOT experiencing energy savings
If you’re not comfortable with the complicated programming, you aren’t going to utilize your energy savings and then you will have paid for a promise (saving energy) that you did not get. That’s not fair.
the Energy Star label encourages customers to buy certain products
If you are trying to save some money, or the environment and you patronize companies that partner with energy star, it’s influence may be used unfairly.
Energy Star is committed to maintaining relations with the thermostat producers and they have until 2009 to make a decision. The facts are that there CAN be savings if the models are used correctly. However, it is also a fact that most people aren’t getting those savings. What do you think? Use our comments to sound off: is your thermostat too hard to program? Do you use yours all the time?
For more information, please email Amanda AT sinclairair DOTCOm
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