Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Increasing Energy Costs

EVERYONE is talking about ENERGY - the politicians, the homeowners paying for them, and Kansas. Personally, being a history major, I can trace how energy costs have affected governmental policy throughout the 20th century. The TVA and other new deal, then fair deal programs tried to bring electricity and ensure competition to Americans. But that leaves us with the age old problem of more or less government and what exactly the buraucracy is supposed to control. Politics aside, this has and will continue to be a matter close to America's wallets. As such, I believe it does merit some discussion. This article caught my eye- because I am also a college student. Sometimes I walk into classrooms and FREEZE. I sit there and think...hmm, what a waste. Does it HAVE to be 60 degrees in here? Kansas University has decided to set their thermostats higher, for purely economical reasons. They will set their air to 78 degrees (the suggested energy star level for optimum comfort and savings) and in the process will save $3,000 a week in energy costs. Some of the students have complained that it has been warm, but if you think about it, 78 degrees is a heck of a lot better than 90 or 100. It is worth it to save money and the environment. If we get all of our larger buildings to commit to saving just that much energy, increasing their set thermostat level by just 2 degrees it would make a world of difference. Source: September 2008, Kansas University. From the University Daily Kansan. My friend LIZ lives in Lawrence! HI LIZ!

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