Friday, March 6, 2009

50 Home Tips

Daylight Savings is coming! (The 8th to be specific) And while this article explains what to do with the extra hour that you would get in the fall, it is a good idea to check some of these things (like making sure the batteries in your smoke detector work) twice (at least) a year. Source: This blog lists 50 easy (or fairly easy) things to do around the house that help to weatherize your home, or make it more comfortable in some other way. Many of the suggestions are very useful in being prepared. Numbers 1-5 speak mostly about making sure you have batteries that work - something that can be easily forgotten - until the lights go out. Some of the suggestions speak to basic home up-keep. For example, caulking around bathroom fixtures or replacing water filters. However, in the midst of these suggestions, there are also some 'gems' that will truly help to keep your home warm or cool. Like knowing which direction your ceiling fans are set to. Did you know one direction pushes air down (keeping you cool) and one direction pushes air up (to spread around warm air)? This is a very simple and easy way to keep those ceiling fans in use even during the cold months. They also suggest making use of curtains, to keep sun out...or insulate the glass. All in all, short, easy tips that can be helpful regardless of the season. Just make sure you remember to SPRING your clocks ahead.

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