So, you live in an apartment and want to save money on your energy bills, but can't talk the landlord into installing a new fridge?
Flex Your Power (, an energy non-profit based out of Southern California has a recent article that gives 22 low-cost things that you can do to save money in an apartment.
Visit their suggestions here:
Some of the simple things that they suggest for energy savings are replacing shower heads with low flow versions (and keeping the old shower head) so that you can reattach the old shower head (and take your low flow version onto your next residence).
Sealing up cracks and draft-ways are useful in any home. But, being that this residence is less temporary, there are ropes and other temporary solutions that can be added around windows and doors and then removed later.
The usual suggestions include setting your thermostat (higher in the summer and lower in the winter) and using blankets in the winter or fans in the summer as well as keeping curtains etc. drawn to keep out the heat of the day.
There are many other useful suggestions, like displacing water in your toilet? and changing lightbulbs to CFLS. If you are currently living in an apartment, FYP has some great suggestions that will make a big difference in your energy bills. Also, if you are a homeowner stripped for cash, these temporary fixes might help you out along the way too - but remember these are easy, TEMPORARY fixes, eventually you will need to bunker down and upgrade to more efficient appliances etc.
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