Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Warm Water

While your HVAC system is one of the largest causes of energy use, there are other areas around your home that can reduce other costs.

Your water heater may also be using an outrageous amount of energy to heat water. Especially since this winter has been so chilly, I'm sure you took your share of warming showers or baths. Think about it - that water was still really warm when it went down the drain. That means that your water heater needed to heat a lot of water - the water that went down the drain, was never used again.

This issue of waste led a Canadian company to come up with an easy-to-install drain/piping system that will convert the heat from the hot water going down the drain, and use it to heat new, clean water coming out of the "hot" tap.

This takes strain off of your hot water heater, because the heated water is being used to heat other water, saving you on energy bills.

Read more about these gadgets to help in your home at: http://www.ecogeek.org/content/view/2638/74/ or view the EcoDrain Website for more details: http://www.ecodrain.ca/en/

Every little bit helps when you are trying to save energy in your home. The water is completely safe, and it will take a toll off of your water heater. Something to think about at least. Happy showering.

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