Thursday, July 16, 2009

10 Tips to Cut Electricity Use

Source: last access 7/16/09. There are many different ways to lower your energy bills and with the heat of the summer coming on strong, why not look into a couple. It pays to stay comfortable.
  1. Conduct an Energy Audit - Their first recommendation is to see how much energy you're using and where the areas are that you could be saving money. There are many different ways to do this (online programs, do-it-yourself checklists...etc.) The first step is to find out where you are.
  2. Invest in Florescent Lights - they suggest these because they are much more efficient than even cfls and there are a bunch of different rebates for installing them (see Edison Plus, there aren't too many of the lingering side effects for fluorescent lights that there used to be - flickering...etc. So it provides nice lighting on a budget. This is especially a good consideration if it is a home office or showroom.
  3. Switch off or unplug electric devices - Using a power strip can be especially helpful. Also, there are a couple of different settings on computers and Tv's to use the lower energy settings especially when in "sleep" mode. Read your manual for instructions on how to program these settings.
  4. Purchase Energy Efficient Appliances - If you have older appliances they are using way too much energy. That means that if you can afford to replace big ticket appliances like your fridge or your heating and air, you are going to save a substantial amount on your energy bills.
  5. Program your Thermostat - I cannot stress this one enough. If you have a programmable thermostat and you aren't using it like a programmable thermostat YOU AREN'T SAVING ANY MONEY. If you can turn on the air while it's still cool, your unit won't have to work as hard to cool down a really hot house. This saves you money and keeps your unit running efficiently.
  6. Regulate Your Water Heater - with newer water heaters you can program them just like your air conditioning. This means that you can turn down the water temperature when you're away - even if it's for the majority of the day.
  7. Add Insulation - I can't also stress this one enough - If your house isn't insulated there is no point in cooling it. Scientifically heat transfers from hot to cool, so if it's hotter outside and there is nothing preventing the transfer, it's going to get hot in your house. Insulation prevents the air from escaping and keeps the cold air in. Insulation in the attic also keeps the whole House cooler.
  8. Use the Washing Machine and Dishwasher Wisely - if you are running the washing machine and dish washer without full loads you are wasting energy and water. Heating the water also adds a considerable chunk to your energy bill.
  9. Save on cooking - use the method of cooking that's shorter...
  10. Plant trees - shading your house keeps it cooler and then that leaves you free to turn the thermostat up which saves on your air conditioning bills.
Hope these tips help to keep you cool and within your budget this summer.

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