Monday, July 27, 2009

Summer Savings!

Source: Department of Energy Summer Tips 2009: Last access 7/27/09. There are many different ways for you to keep your home cool and comfortable this summer without breaking the bank. The Energy Tips provided by the Department of Energy are broken up into several categories to help homeowners find what is right for them. They provide low cost tips, weatherization tips and general shade tips to name a few content areas. Below are a couple of their tips-
Keep Your Cool and Save Money Too: Summer Energy-Saving Tips from the Department of Energy Save 10 to 50 Percent on Utility Bills This Summer While Staying Cool WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Save money and keep your cool this summer by saving energy. As part of the Department of Energy’s (DOE) continuing outreach and education efforts, here are some easy, energy saving tips that are also available in a free guide for consumers. By following a few easy, common sense guidelines, properly maintaining or upgrading your air conditioner, adding insulation and taking other easy energy-saving measures, you can cut your energy bills by 10 to 50 percent. “Almost 45 percent of a homeowner’s utility bill goes for heating and cooling,” said Secretary of Energy Samuel W. Bodman. “By taking a few simple steps, American families can make their homes more energy efficient and can save a significant amount of money, too.” Your individual savings will depend on how energy-efficient your home is now, the type of home you have, and the area of the country where you live. Use Air Conditioning and Fans Wisely * Open windows and use portable or ceiling fans instead of operating your air conditioner. * Use a fan with your window air conditioner to spread the cool air through your home. * Use a programmable thermostat with your air conditioner to adjust the setting warmer at night or when no one is home. * Don't place lamps or TVs near your air conditioning thermostat. The heat from these appliances will cause the air conditioner to run longer. * Look for the ENERGY STAR® label. If your air conditioner is old, the new energy efficient models can save you up to 50 percent on your cooling bills. * Consider installing a whole house fan or evaporative cooler if appropriate for your climate.
See all the tips for saving and staying cool on their website. Their low-cost tips allow for shade trees and weatherizing windows. All of these things can help homeowners to save money and stay comfortable.

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