Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Air Conditioning!

Air Conditioning is one of the summer staples. However, to stay comfortable, it's fairly easy to spend money. Help to avoid the pinching of your wallet by employing some easy tips to make your home more energy efficient. Source: "Energy Savers Tips: Air Conditioning." Last Access 7/29/09.
Air Conditioners Buying a bigger room air-conditioning unit won't necessarily make you feel more comfortable during the hot summer months. In fact, a room air conditioner that's too big for the area it is supposed to cool will perform less efficiently and less effectively than a smaller, properly sized unit. Sizing is equally important for central air-conditioning systems, which need to be sized by professionals. If you have a central air system in your home, set the fan to shut off at the same time as the cooling unit (compressor). In other words, don't use the system's central fan to provide circulation, but instead use circulating fans in individual rooms. Cooling Tips
    Whole house fans have experts on the fence a bit. While it is a good idea to pull cool air from the outside into the home, it is not a good idea while the air conditioner is on (because that would draw warmer air and cause the unit to run less efficiently.) S0 while it may be a good idea for some houses and some climates, it's a bit much for Southern California and it's quite loud.
  • Whole-house fans help cool your home by pulling cool air through the house and exhausting warm air through the attic.
  • Set your thermostat as high as comfortably possible in the summer. The smaller the difference between the indoor and outdoor temperatures, the lower your overall cooling bill will be.
  • Avoid setting your thermostat at a colder setting than normal when you turn on your air conditioner. It will not cool your home any faster and could result in excessive cooling and, therefore, unnecessary expense.
  • Consider using an interior fan in conjunction with your window air conditioner to spread the cooled air more effectively through your home without greatly increasing your power use.
  • Avoid placing lamps or TV sets near your air-conditioning thermostat. The thermostat senses heat from these appliances, which can cause the air conditioner to run longer than necessary.
  • Plant trees or shrubs to shade air conditioning units but not to block the airflow. Place your room air conditioner on the north side of the house. A unit operating in the shade uses as much as 10% less electricity than the same one operating in the sun.
(red comments added by Sinclair Air) Long-Term Savings Tips If your air conditioner is old, consider purchasing a new, energy-efficient model. You could save up to 50% on your utility bill for cooling. Look for the ENERGY STAR and Energy Guide labels. The shopping guide in the back of this booklet will help you find the right size unit for your needs. Consider installing a whole-house fan or evaporate cooler if appropriate for your climate. Check out for more information on efficient cooling.
Hopefully these tips will help you SAVE on your energy bills!

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