Thursday, July 2, 2009

10 ways to save energy now

Source: The Department of Energy's Blog Energy Savers. last access 7/2/09.
  1. When to Turn Off Your Lights Find out when it's most cost-effective to turn off your lights—and when to leave them on.
  2. When to Turn Off Personal Computers Operate your computer and peripherals—such as monitors, printers, and other accessories—efficiently. Also check out these tips for home office and home electronics.
  3. Use and Heat Your Water Efficiently There are a variety of tips here—some more costly than others—but others are quick and easy, like reducing your hot water use and turning down the temperature of your water heater.
  4. Operate Your Thermostat Efficiently Pay attention to your thermostat settings and reduce your cooling costs (and heating costs in the winter). A programmable thermostat makes it easy.
  5. Improve the Efficiency of Your Windows Some simple caulk and weatherstripping can help you reduce air leakage around your windows, and window coverings can help keep your home cool in the summer (and warm in the winter).
  6. Avoid Heat Buildup Follow some simple strategies to reduce the heat buildup in your house on hot days, such as using window shades, avoiding oven use, and using spot ventilation when bathing.
  7. Replace Lamps in Incandescent Lighting Fixtures Consider replacing your incandescent bulbs with more efficient lamps, such as compact fluorescent lights (CFLs).
  8. Use Ceiling Fans and Circulating Fans A fan can keep you feeling comfortable in hot weather without blasting the air conditioner.
  9. Drive Efficiently and Maintain your Car You've probably heard most of these tips before, but it bears repeating: less aggressive driving and slower speeds lead to savings. Not to mention fewer accidents and a less stressful commute for everyone.
  10. Tips for Doing Laundry Efficiently Using cooler water and air-drying your clothes are just two ways you can save energy while doing your laundry.
The best way to save money on your energy is to have energy efficient appliances. However, that's not always possible because of budgetary restraints. This list allows you to fix things NOW - to change behaviors rather than expensive household goods. One comment on the bottom of the blog left by a reader explained how he and his wife would shower one after another and then run the dishwasher so that the boiler only had to heat water once a day. It's little changes like that which make up all the difference in energy bills.

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