Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Programmable Thermostat

Programming a thermostat might seem like a daunting task to any technophobes out there, but there are some very simple solutions.
  • Every thermostat comes with a instruction booklet - and they have lots of pictures and are easy to follow.
  • You only need to set your thermostat once! Then it just does it's thing, and you save money.
  • Your contractor can help you to set your thermostat, or if you have a tech-ie friend (or young grandchild) they can do it fairly easily.
  • If those don't work - there are always tutorials on the internet that will walk you through the process step by step.
You aren't saving any money on your new, efficient air system if you are still turning it off and on like an OLD system. It takes WAY less energy to maintain a constant temperature than it does to bring it up and down. It also take WAY less energy to keep a cool house cool than to cool down a really hot one. The more you let your thermostat do, the more money you are likely to save!

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