Wednesday, February 4, 2009

10 Tips!

Help! It's winter...and you don't want to have to mortgage your home to finance your heating bills?

Lucky for you many different heating fuel providers (gas companies), state and local governments and other entities provide "tips" that can be rather helpful in keeping that bill low. One of my favorites (as much for the cheesy graphics for the content) is provided by the state of Minnesota. Which can be found linked off of our web page here. They recommend installing motion detector lights, or putting lights that are on hard-to-reach switches on timers. Using these simple upgrades, you can ensure that lights turn on (and off) when needed and don't waste expensive energy that could be used elsewhere. Interesting and rather unique perspective to solving that problem. Timers for lights run about $10 - $60 (google shopping) and motion detector lights run in about the same range depending on the sophistication of the model. If you are shopping for new lights, make sure that they are ENERGY STAR (R) approved (so that you aren't saving money in one area and sucking it out in another -- that would be silly). They suggest lighting rooms that are used frequently with the motion detector lights like the bathroom - because many times that light doesn't get shut off. There are many other suggestions on their sheet of 10 suggestions, but if you still aren't satisfied with the tips, check out the Information section of On the information and knowledge center page, there are links to many different aspects of our site. The resources page will help you to find suggestions and tips that we have been sent from energy providers and other useful information. Under the resources tab there are 10 winter tips from the southern California gas company as well as a couple of other excellent energy boosters. Check it out.

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