Monday, February 23, 2009

High Bill Help

Source: "Outrageous Power Bill Spurs Couple to Seek Audit" by Earl Neikirk/Bristol Herald Courier.

If your energy bills are higher than you think they should be is there really anything you can do to change that?


Contrary to popular belief there is usually something (and something fairly easy at that) that you can do as a homeowner to determine where your energy is being used and how to change that usage or conserve more energy. While there are several different options that you can do, the couple in this article opted instead for a home energy audit. These are usually provided by your power company, an energy use company or even a private contractor. The specialist will come to your house and ask you questions about how your energy is being used - so that he or she can determine where energy use can be saved without affecting your lifestyle too drastically. Then they will measure how much air is escaping from the house as well as the state of your equipment. This may be done a variety of different ways from infrared tracking to electrical air pressure measurement.

To find energy auditors in southern California...

First visit: this page gives you tips and suggestions on how to choose an auditing company as well as some sample questions that the auditor may ask you. You can find a local contractor by calling 888-357-1777 in Southern California. They will then provide you listings of energy auditors near you. If you want, you may also check with your local power company. For example, Southern California Edison has an energy auditing program. To learn more, visit their webpage: Its in the section under the heading "In-Home Energy Survey"
"In one short visit to your home, a trained expert will help you improve your home's energy efficiency and lower your energy bills. Our energy service representatives are trained to evaluate when and how you use electricity, water and natural gas. After a brief survey, they will provide suggestions to guide you in making your home more energy efficient — reducing your energy bills, improving your home's comfort, and protecting the environment. Don't delay. Get started saving energy and money by making your home more energy efficient with our Free Home Energy Efficiency Survey. Schedule your money-saving home energy survey today by calling (800) 278-8585. Trained energy experts are available to meet with you at home or by phone any time between 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, and on alternate Saturdays.
The more you know about the way you are using energy in your home, the more ways you can find to cut back and save some green. Don't be like these homeowners who are stuck with a hefty bill.

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