Monday, February 9, 2009

Energy Use Yardstick

The energy bill comes every month - and you pay it. That's just how it works. But have you ever wondered if your energy bill is too high? Have you thought about easy changes that your family could make to significantly improve the energy bill's bottom line? AND even if you do you figure out what you should change? Well, (R) is here to help. They have a home yardsticking feature that helps you to compare your home's energy use with what a super efficient home the same size as yours would use. Then you can decide which repairs/upgrades/changes will work best for you and your budget. Visit the home yardstick initial page here: It is an easy and interactive website where you enter some simple information and then the website provides information based on your answers. The first input is the zip code where the home is located. Make sure you have an electricity bill from the previous month to get an accurate count. You just input how much electricity and other types of fuel you have used during the month. It is a good idea to know how much energy your home is using.

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