Check out their suggestions for both heating and air on their webpage here: http://www.residential.carrier.com/support/troubleshooting.shtml
For Furnace checkup they suggest first to look at the thermostat. If you don't have power to the thermostat it is probably a breaker issue. If there is power, look at what the thermostat is telling you. Check to see if it is time to change your filter, or even that the thermostat is set to "heat."
Sometimes the "fan" gets left in the "on" position and that's why the heat isn't coming on. We suggest keeping your fan setting on "auto."
If those don't work, keep going. The rest of the list walks you through resetting the power breakers and making sure the actual furnace is on. These are pretty common problems. It is a good idea to check these things before calling to make a complaint. Plus, the more you can tell us over the phone, the better of an idea we have of what's wrong with the unit and sometimes we can even bring the part(s) we need with us the first time. This saves you time and money.
If all of these things don't make it nice and toasty in your home, something more complex might be wrong. I would suggest NOT trying to take care of that yourself unless you've had some sort of training. Even the best of us "handys" need to call in for backup sometimes.
Carrier also provides helpful troubleshooting tips if your air conditioner isn't working also. A good thing to keep in mind or around just in case. However, the best way to ensure optimum running and efficiency is to have a check-up/service yearly.
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