Thursday, February 5, 2009

Tough Weather

When weather gets tough...the tough...get prepared? This year, we have experienced weird and wacky weather. There have been freak wind storms, random snow falls and 90+ degree days in the middle of winter - AND - that's only in Southern California (where the sun always shines and as a result, we can be somewhat wussy about weather situations). S0, what happens when mother nature throws a monkey wrench into your plans? Even though I seriously doubt that we are going to have a tornado/flood/other major disaster in the next few weeks (albeit said with some knocking on something wooden), it is always better to be prepared. Better safe than sorry right? Ok, so to us newbies in Southern California...
  1. Make a PLAN
  2. This plan can be as simple as creating a meeting spot or updating the canned food in the disaster kit you made after the last earthquake. However, for some easy tips and good advice, head over to the weather channel's On their site, they have a complete emergency plan and a list of things to put into your kit that they will walk you through and then print out for you. EXCELLENT idea!
  • Decide who is actually in your "household"
  • Now basically this is you, your possible spouse, any children or dependents and you don't want to forget grandma or grandpa or any other relatives in your care near-by that may have difficulties during a disaster. It is a good idea to think about it ahead of time so that no one gets accidentally forgotten. It's also a good idea to update this information as children get older or involved in activities as their possible pickup locations may change. You don't want something to happen with out dated information. Then where would you be?
  • Next nail down all of the possible contact information
  • This is where you choose a central neutral location to meet - the parking lot somewhere etc. Also use this to track various contact numbers of these places. If you are meeting at a church or community center make sure that you have those numbers on file too. Remember to include a couple different places that are located in different parts of town in case travel becomes difficult or certain areas are blocked off. Be SPECIFIC so everyone knows exactly where to meet under exactly what circumstances - but don't make things too complicated.
  • Trick out your supply kit
  • Was the last time you checked your emergency kit when one of the kids had to bring one to preschool? Yeah...not good. Your emergency kit should be stocked with food and water - that is not currently expired as well as clothes and shoes, blankets, medicine and other necessary items. The list on has an amazing list that is detailed and will help you to remember minute things. (Even if you don't want to go ahead and do the whole planning exercise, I would recommend printing out the emergency preparedness list because it is an easy, fast way to check up on your supplies.)
Okay, so don't freak out. Nothing is going to happen...probably. BUT it would be a good idea to be prepared anyhow. That was, after all, the difference between the grasshoppers and the ants in that old Disney cartoon.

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