Monday, February 2, 2009

Are Your Ducts Dirty?

As we get more and more concerned about air quality and air-born allergens, we also are more concerned about places where those things could possibly build up. One of the common places to "blame" in recent news and television ads is your ductwork.


Here are some things you should know before jumping on the bandwagon and getting your expensive duct work cleaned by an even more expensive specialist company... Source: The Environmental Protection Agency off their website. Last Access 2/2/09. So, according to the EPA - duct cleaning isn't proven to actually help anything. In a nutshell: Dust particles may build up in your ducts over LOOOOOONG periods of time, but get stuck on the vents/grills and so aren't actually escaping into the air of your home. On the other hand, they DO recommend getting your ducts cleaned if they have slime visibly seeping out of them, or if the insulation near them gets water damaged (both really gross situations I imagine...). They provide a whole consumer checklist and the do's and don'ts of ductcleaning that every homeowner should check out before getting their ductwork cleaned!

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